We long to know who we are – not just in human terms, but as souls in relation to the grand, seemingly intelligent design that permeates this vast, unfathomable universe.
I call this desire the astropoetic impulse.
Despite astrology's shortcomings and the low esteem in which it is often held, no other discipline speaks as eloquently or with as much sophistication to the astropoetic desire
Astropoetics is a useful language with which to explore our relation to the grand design and our most deeply connected sense of self.
The Origin of the Word 'Astropoetics'
The soul can be observed with uncanny clarity in relation to its movement through various cycles, which wax and wane in predictable rhythm, and are mirrored in the movement of the larger cosmic patterns that routinely coalesce and disperse in the sky.
The mystery of soul is best approached through a language that is poetic in its use of words. A poetic language conducts its quest for the truth obliquely – through simile and metaphor, image and symbol, suggestion and allusion, rather than direct, dogmatic statement of fact.
When astrology is approached poetically – as a right-brain contemplation of imagery and symbolism, rather than as an interpretative system based on authoritative prepackaged definitions – it becomes a potent language of soul that allows for the possibility of deep and penetrating self-discovery.
How does Astropoetics differ from traditional astrology?
Astropoetics understands fate to be an elaborate opportunity for the evolution of consciousness, which impacts the individual soul in highly idiosyncratic ways.
Traditional astrology understands the birthchart to be a signature of fate.
Astropoetics seeks to discover unknown sensory, emotional, psychological, mythological and spiritual correlates to symbols, and the images that embody these correlates.
Traditional astrology is largely a matter of rationally decoding signs that have become short-hand notation for known qualities.
Astropoetics views the birth chart as descriptive of a process that deepens and transmutes in cyclical time as cumulative awareness is brought to bear upon the process.
Traditional astrology tends to understand the birthchart as a static description of personality undergoing a series of discrete events.
Join us in this quest for a deeper, more conscious
and more creative embodiment of Spirit
and more creative embodiment of Spirit
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