Preface to The Astropoetic Series
* The Astropoetic Impulse
* Astrologic
* The Roots of Astrologic in Symbolic Astronomy
* The Roots of Astrologic in Qualitative Mathematics
* The Roots of Astro-Logic in Mythology
* The Flowering of Astrologic in Subjective Experience
* Astrologic and the Evolution of Consciousness
Introduction: The Astrologic of Consciousness
* Interpretation as an Exercise in Consciousness
* Astrology as a Language for Self-Inquiry
* The Birthchart as a Template for the Tracking of Consciousness
* The Yogic Model of Consciousness
* The Five Levels of Manifestation
* The Chakra System Revisited
* The Chakras Considered as a Circle of Circles
* A Word About the Psychic Correlates to the Chakra System
* The Chakras as a Model of Psychological Process
* The Astro-Chakra System
Part One: The Chakras
Chapter One: The First Chakra
* Annamaya Kosha
* Pranamaya Kosha
* Manomaya Kosha
* Vijnanamaya Kosha
* Anandamaya Kosha
Chapter Two: The Second Chakra
* Annamaya Kosha
* Pranamaya Kosha
* Manomaya Kosha
* Vijnanamaya Kosha
* Anandamaya Kosha
Chapter Three: The Third Chakra
* Annamaya Kosha
* Pranamaya Kosha
* Manomaya Kosha
* Vijnanamaya Kosha
* Anandamaya Kosha
Chapter Four: The Fourth Chakra
* Annamaya Kosha
* Pranamaya Kosha
* Manomaya Kosha
* Vijnanamaya Kosha
* Anandamaya Kosha
Chapter Five: The Fifth Chakra
* Annamaya Kosha
* Pranamaya Kosha
* Manomaya Kosha
* Vijnanamaya Kosha
* Anandamaya Kosha
Chapter Six: The Sixth Chakra
* Annamaya Kosha
* Pranamaya Kosha
* Manomaya Kosha
* Vijnanamaya Kosha
* Anandamaya Kosha
Chapter Seven: The Seventh Chakra
* Annamaya Kosha
* Pranamaya Kosha
* Manomaya Kosha
* Vijnanamaya Kosha
* Anandamaya Kosha
Chapter Eight: Interchakra Relationships
* Chakras Arranged By Directional Flow Between Spirit and Matter
* The Alpha and Omega
* The Chakras Divided by Polarity
* Cross-Polar Relationships
* Creativity
* Power
* Heart Chakra Combinations
* Other Combinations, Other Chakras
Part Two: The Astro-Chakra System
Chapter Nine: The Astrologic of the Five Koshas
* Chakra Charts and Sub-Charts
* The Astrologic of Elemental Dynamics
* Various Factors Indicating Elemental Emphasis
* The Astrologic of Annamaya Kosha
* The Astrologic of Pranamaya Kosha
* The Astrologic of Manomaya Kosha
* The Astrologic of Vijnanamaya Kosha
* The Astrologic of Anandamaya Kosha
Chapter Ten: Case Studies Illustrating the Astrologic of Koshas
* Annamaya Kosha
* Pranamaya Kosha
* Manomaya Kosha
* Vijnanamaya Kosha
* Annamaya Kosha
Chapter Eleven: The First Chakra Chart
* The Astro-logic of the First Chakra Chart
* Establishing the Parameters of a Chakra Chart
* The Astro-logic of Soul Space
* The Placement of First Chakra Planets in Astrological Space
* The First Chakra and Angular Planets
* Saturn’s Role in First Chakra Dynamics
* The Moon’s Role in First Chakra Dynamics
* Pluto’s Role in First Chakra Dynamics
* The First Chakra Chart
Chapter Twelve: A First Chakra Case Study
* Mary’s Unwounded Soul Essence
* The Primal Wounding
* The Seeds of Healing Within the Wound
* The Astrological Timing of the Wounding/Healing Process
* The Re-enactment of Mary’s First Chakra Wounding in Present Time
* Transforming the Wounded Moment Into an Opportunity for Healing
Chapter Thirteen: The Second Chakra Chart
* The Placement of Second Chakra Planets in Astrological Space
* The Second Chakra and the Succedent Houses
* Venus’ Role in Second Chakra Dynamics
* Saturn’s Role in Second Chakra Dynamics
* Neptune’s Role in Second Chakra Dynamics
* Pluto’s Role in Second Chakra Dynamics
* Mars’ Role in Second Chakra Dynamics
* The Second Chakra Chart
Chapter Fourteen: A Second Chakra Case Study
* Irene’s Unwounded Soul Essence, Part One: Mars
* Irene’s Unwounded Soul Essence, Part Two: Venus
* The Primal Wounding
* The Astrological Timing of the Wounding/Healing Process
* Bringing the Wounded Second Chakra Dance into Present Time
* Groping Through the Second Chakra Fog Toward Healing
Chapter Fifteen: The Third Chakra Chart
* The Placement of Third Chakra Planets in Astrological Space
* The Third Chakra and Angular Planets
* Mars’ Role in Third Chakra Dynamics
* The Sun’s Role in Third Chakra Dynamics
* Planets Contributing to Third Chakra Excess
* Planets Contributing to Third Chakra Deficiency
* The Third Chakra Chart
Chapter Sixteen: A Third Chakra Case Study
* A Word About the Kosha Implications of Third Chakra Dynamics
* My Unwounded Soul Essence
* My Primal Wounding
* The Astrological Timing of the Wounding/Healing Process
* A Word About Neptune’s Role in My Third Chakra Dilemma
Chapter Seventeen: The Fourth Chakra Chart
* The Placement of Fourth Chakra Planets in Astrological Space
* The Fourth Chakra and Succedent Planets
* The Sun’s Role in Fourth Chakra Dynamics
* The Moon and Bodhichitta
* The Moon and the Memory of Wounded Love
* The Moon as Shakti
* Venus’ Role in Fourth Chakra Dynamics
* Other Planetary Players on the Fourth Chakra Stage
* The Fourth Chakra Chart
Chapter Eighteen: A Fourth Chakra Case Study
* The Koshic Implications of Clinton’s Fourth Chakra Chart
* Clinton’s Unwounded Soul Essence
* Clinton’s Primal Wounding
* Uranus’ Role in Setting the Stage for Clinton’s Fourth Chakra Drama
* Clinton’s Fourth Chakra Drama As It Might Be Perceived Through an Astrological Lens
Chapter Nineteen: The Fifth Chakra Chart
* The Placement of Fifth Chakra Planets in Astrological Space
* The Fifth Chakra and Cadent Planets
* Mercury’s Role in Fifth Chakra Dynamics
* Uranus’ Role in Fifth Chakra Dynamics
* Jupiter’s Role in Fifth Chakra Dynamics
* Neptune’s Role in Fifth Chakra Dynamics
* Chiron’s Role in Fifth Chakra Dynamics
* The Fifth Chakra Chart
Chapter Twenty: A Fifth Chakra Case Study
* Campbell’s Unwounded Soul Essence
* Campbell’s Primal Wounding
* The Astrological Timing of Campbell’s Initiation Process
* Campbell’s Fifth Chakra Quest
* The Yin Half of Campbell’s Fifth Chakra Challenge
* The Yang Half of Campbell’s Fifth Chakra Challenge
* Back Into the Belly of the Whale
* Campbell’s Flirtation With the Anima
* A Fifth Chakra Alchemy of Two Planetary Agents
Chapter Twenty-One: The Sixth Chakra Chart
* The Placement of Sixth Chakra Planets in Astrological Space
* The Sixth Chakra and Cadent Planets
* The Moon’s Role in Sixth Chakra Dynamics
* Venus’ Role in Sixth Chakra Dynamics
* Pluto’s Role in Sixth Chakra Dynamics
* Neptune’s Role in Sixth Chakra Dynamics
* Jupiter’s Role in Sixth Chakra Dynamics, Aided by Uranus and Prometheus
* The Sixth Chakra Chart
Chapter Twenty-Two: A Sixth Chakra Case Study
* My Process in Choosing Susan For My Sixth Chakra Case Study
* The Astro-logic of Susan’s Complex Sixth Chakra Process
* The Interview
Chapter Twenty-Three: The Seventh Chakra Chart
* The Placement of Seventh Chakra Planets in Astrological Space
* The Soli-Lunar Dance and Seventh Chakra Dynamics
* The Full Moon and Seventh Chakra Awakening
* Uranus’ Role in Seventh Chakra Dynamics
* Uranus in Muktananda’s Chart
* Neptune’s Role in Seventh Chakra Dynamics
* Neptune in Muktananda’s Chart
* Pluto’s Role in Seventh Chakra Dynamics
* Pluto in Muktananda’s Chart
Part Three: The System Applied and Transcended
Chapter Twenty-Four: The System Applied
* Analysis of Kosha Distribution Among the Planets
* Analysis of Aspect Patterns Emphasizing Koshic Openings
* Analysis of Chakra Charts
* Angelou’s First Chakra Chart
* Angelou’s Second Chakra Chart
* Angelou’s Third Chakra Chart
* Angelou’s Fourth Chakra Chart
* Angelou’s Fifth Chakra Chart
* Angelou’s Sixth Chakra Chart
* Angelou’s Seventh Chakra Chart
* The Use of Chakra Analysis in Understanding the Natal Chart
* The Use of Chakra Analysis For Understanding Transits and Progressions
* The Use of Chakra Analysis to Explore Life Experiences
Chapter Twenty-Five: Beyond the System
* The Inherent Flexibility of Astro-Chakra Patterns
* Planetary Scales
* The Transpersonal Planets as Alchemical Agents
* Assessment of Planetary Levels Through Introspective Dialogue
* The Astro-Chakra System as One in a Series of Overlays
Chart Data
Table of Koshic Placements
Diagram of Chakra Patterns
Works Cited
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