Part One: Through the Gates of Religion
Chapter One: Toward a Workng Definition of Soul
* Redefining the Soul as an Embodiment of Spirit
* Distinguishing the Embodied Soul From the Postmortem Soul
* Reconsidering Past Life Experiences From the Perspective of the Embodied Soul
* Distinguishing the Embodied Soul From Disembodied Spirits
* Distinguishing Between the Embodied Soul and the Subtle Body
* The Roots of the Embodied Soul in Spiritual Tradition
* The Association of the Embodied Soul With Breath
* Embracing the Earth as the Larger Body of the Soul
* Returning Soul to its Rightful Place Within the Web of Life
* The Spiritual Challenge Posed by Mortality
* The Spiritual Ramifications of a Life Shaped by Death
* The Systematic Denial of Death By Contemporary Culture
Chapter Two: Through Inanna’s First Gate Into the Embodied Life
* The Fear of Death in Early Cultures
* The Fear of the Soul’s Journey After Death
* Toward a Cyclical Conception of Death as a Part of Life
* The Cyclical Worldview and Its Association with a Desire for Release From Suffering
* The Myth of Immortality
* Extracting the Myth of Immortality From Its Cyclical Roots
* The Embrace of Personal Immortality in the East
* The Quest for Immortality in Early Chinese Shamanism
* The Platonic Influence on Religious Concepts of Immortality
* Augustine’s Influence as a Bridge Between Christianity and Platonic Thought
* Passing Through the Gate of Immortality on the Way to the Underworld
Chapter Three: Shedding the Religious Concept of Sin
* Exposing the Faustian Bargain of the Religious Approach to Soul
* The Evolution of the Concept of Judgment in Western Culture
* The Gradual Evolution of a Moral Conception of the Soul’s Journey
* The Reinterpretation of Scripture in Moralistic Terms
* The Evolution of a Moral Code in Islam
* The Shift Toward a Moral Interpretation of the Soul’s Journey in the East
* The Trend Toward Moralistic Judgment in Buddhist Thought
* Other Influences on the Tendency Toward Moral Judgment in Eastern Religious Thought
* The Transition From Natural Law to Moral Code in Chinese Religious Thought
* The Role of Confucius as a Moralistic Interpreter of the Tao
* Passing Through Inanna’s Second Gate into Realignment with the Tao
Chapter Four: Through Inanna’s Second Gate Into the Dance of Polarities
* The Sexual Dilemma Faced By Moralistic Religions
* Reclaiming the Sexual Nature of the Soul
* Reclaiming Darkness as a Spiritual Force
* Reclaiming the Feminine
* The Psychological Price to Be Paid for the Knowledge of Good and Evil
* The Soul’s Journey as a Quest for the Embrace of Opposites
* The Institutionalized Negation of Polarity Through Monotheism
* Astrology’s Potential Contribution to the Learning Process
* Passing Through the Gate of Religious Morality on the Way to the Underworld
Part Two: Through the Gates of Science
Chapter Five: Shedding the Rational Literalism of Science
* Questions About Soul at the Heart of the Early Scientific Debate
* The Birth of Scientific Literalism
* The Mythopoetry of the Moment in Which Science Was Born
* The Intermingling of World
* The Triumph of Reason Over the Mythopoetic Imagination
* The Further Deification of the Rational Mind in the 20th Century
* Kant’s Refutation of Reason as A Tool with Which to Understand the Soul
* The Soul’s Quest for an Understanding of the Whole
* Reason’s Inability to Comprehend Wholeness
* Astrology’s Potential As a Language of Wholeness and Interconnectedness
* Using the Breath as a Point of Entry into an Awareness of the Whole
Chapter Six: Through Inanna’s Third Gate Into a Personal Learning Process
* The Rationalist Ambivalence Toward Sensory Information
* Sensory Information as a Conduit to an Awareness of Soul
* The Power of Sensory Awakening
* The Soul’s Natural Inclination to Pursue Pleasure and Avoid Pain
* Pursuit of Pleasure and Avoidance of Pain as a Catalyst to Soul Growth
* Emotion as a Catalyst to Soul Growth
* The Craving of the Soul for a Polytheistic Language of Emotional Complexity
* The Importance of Images, Symbols and Metaphors
* The Unfortunate Embrace of Rationalism Within the Astrological Community
* Approaching Astrological Images Through the Senses and Emotions
Chapter Seven: Shedding the Scientific Insistence on Objectivity
* The Sophist’s Contribution to a Language of Subjectivity
* Distinguishing Subjective Truth From Relative Truth
* Socrates’ Affirmation of Personal Objectivity
* Augustine’s Quest For Internal Objectivity
* Aristotle’s Potential Contribution to a Truly Subjective Language of Soul
* Aristotle’s Confirmation of the Objective World View
* Dancing on the Edge of the Subjective Abyss With Descartes
* The Systematic Denial of Purpose by Hobbes and Bacon
Chapter Eight: Through Inanna’s Fourth Gate Into a Sense of Purpose
* Understanding The Soul’s Purpose as the Movement of Spirit Into Matter
* Understanding Purpose as the Movement of Matter Toward Spirit
* The Potential Value of a Subjective Quest for Knowledge
* The Subjective Nature of the Soul’s Experience
* Aristotle’s Contribution to a Language of Quality
* The Systematic Denial of Quality by Science
* The Empirical Dismissal of Quality
* The Necessity for Evolving a Language of Soul Capable of Qualitative Nuance
* The Qualitative Nature of Images That Feed the Soul
* Contemporary Astrology’s Contamination by Objective Empiricism
Chapter Nine: Shedding the Scientific Concept of Causality
* Aristotle's Distinction of Types of Cause
* The Implications of a World Devoid of Final Cause
* The Limitations of Efficient Cause As An Explanation For Subjective Behavior
* The World as a Mirror for the Interplay of Light and Dark
* Hume’s Critique of Causality
* The Birth of Modern Empiricism
* Toward an Acausal Principle of Soul
Chapter Ten: Toward an Acausal Understanding of Soul Process
* Using Sheldrake’s Ideas as the Template for a Theory of Soul Resonance
* Extending the Morphogenetic Field of the Soul to Encompass the World
* The Power of the Hundredth Monkey
* The Arrogance of Science in Assuming Causality to be the Only Possible Explanation
* The Difficulty of Stepping Outside the Causal Paradigm
* The Importance of Resonant Context in Extracting Subjective Truth
* Applying the Concept of Resonance to the Astrological Model of Soul
* Toward a Sensory Exploration of Planetary Resonance
* Astrology’s Contribution to a Mathematics of Soul
Chapter Eleven: Through Inanna’s Fifth Gate Into Resonant Soul Space
* The Great Debate About Space Among the Rational Cosmologists
* Democritus’ Contribution to a Scientific Understanding of Space
* Aristotle’s Concept of Place and Its Causal Reworking the Scientific Revolution
* The Symbolic Importance of the Geocentric Perspective
* The Positivist Denial of Space’s Spiritual Dimensions
* From Empty Space to Field Theory
* The Quantum Revolution’s Deconstruction of Cartesian-Newtonian Space
* Reconceptualizing Space as a Resonant Soul Field
* Defining Soul Space From an Astrological Perspective
Chapter Twelve: Through Inanna’s Sixth Gate Into Cyclical Soul Time
* A Brief History of the Evolution of the Scientific Concept of Time
* The Religious Notion of Time as a Destructive Force
* Heidegger’s Contribution to a Philosophy of Soul Time
* The Qualitative Nature of Soul Time
* Following the Soul Through Soul Time
* Synchronicity and the Opportunity for Soul Growth
* Astrology as a Language of Soul Time
* Applying Astrological Analysis to Soul Time
Part Three: Through the Last Gate With Psychology
Chapter Thirteen: Liberating Psychology From Its Scientific Trappings
* The Philosophical Underpinnings of Psychology
* The Emergence of Psychology as a Scientific Discipline
* The Psychological Exploration of the Senses
* Sensory Experience as a Mechanism for Embodying Spirit
* The Psychological Exploration of the Emotions
* The Behavioral Approach to Emotion
* The Metaphysical Irony at the Heart of Behavioral Psychology
* The James-Lange Theory of Emotions
* Freud’s Contribution to the Study of Emotions
* Social Psychology and Other Post-Freudian Influences on the Understanding of Emotion
* The Contribution of Cognitive Psychology to An Understanding of Emotion
Chapter Fourteen: Toward a Subjective Approach to the Image Making Process
* The Scientific Approach to Imagination
* The Contribution of Early Psychologists to an Imagery of Soul
* Freud’s Contribution to an Understanding of Image
* The Unconscious Roots of the Image
* The Myth of Oedipus as a Template for the Image-Making Process
* The Symbolist Contribution to a Cultural Embrace of the Image
* Jung’s Contribution to a Psychological Understanding of the Image
* The Further Cultivation of the Image in Jung’s Wake
* The Potential For Astrology’s Contribution to an Understanding of the Image
Chapter Fifteen: The Pathology of Soul and Psychology’s Response To It
* Psychopathology and the Soul
* The Institutionalized Fear of Psychopathology
* The Shadow as the Gateway to Soul Process
* The Anima/Animus as Guide to Soul Space
* The Wise Elder and the Individuation Process
* The Individuated Self and the Soul
* Psychology’s Obsession with Personality
* The Merging of Schools in the Scientific Vein
* Astrology’s Contribution to the Cult of Personality
Chapter Sixteen: Through Inanna’s Seventh Gate Into Embodiment of Spirit
* The Influence of Existentialism on Humanistic Thought
* Humanistic Psychology and the Study of Consciousness
* The Two-Shark Theory of Consciousness
* The Value of Humanistic Eclecticism
* The Limitations of Humanistic Psychology’s Worldview
* The Immense Promise of the Transpersonal Psychology Movement
* Bringing Spirit Into the Darkness of Our Most Intractable Core Issues
Part Four: From Astrology to Astropoetics
Chapter Seventeen: Taking Astrology Into the Realm of Soul
* Celebrating the Fertility of the Astrological Field
* Passing Through Inanna’s Seven Gates on Our Way to a Genuine Language of Soul
* Walking Astrology Through Inanna’s First Gate
* Toward an Astrological Definition of Fate Capable of Empowering the Soul
* Walking Astrology Through Inanna’s Second Gate
* Revisioning the Birthchart as the Optimum Game Plan for a Personal Embodiment of Spirit
Chapter Eighteen: Creating an Astrological Epistemology Independent of Science
* Walking Astrology Through Inanna’s Third Gate
* Toward an Astro-Logic of the Soul
* Approaching Astrology as a Language of Imagery
* Going Beyond Strictly Astro-logical Imagery in Order to Explore a Pattern
* Walking Astrology Through Inanna’s Fourth Gate
* Putting the Soul Back at the Center of Astrological Process
* Walking Astrology Through Inanna’s Fifth Gate
* Astrology’s Failure to Measure Up Within a Causal Paradigm
* Walking Astrology Through Inanna’s Sixth Gate
* Shifting Our Astrological Focus From Events to Processes
Chapter Nineteen: Using Astrological Imagery to Make a Connection to Spirit
* Walking Astrology Through Inanna’s Seventh Gate
* Using Astrology as a Path to Metaphoric Vision
* The Application of Astropoetic Technique to a Deeper Understanding of the Image
* Sorting Through the Relevant Cyclical History for Resonant Memories
* Looking for Reenactments of the Original Metaphorical Scene
* Moving Beyond Pattern Recognition to Explore the Unconscious Dimensions of Soul Space
* Exploring the Interface Between Personal Soul Space and the Collective Unconscious
* Following the Confluence of Astropoetic Images to a More Intimate Identification With Spirit
* Making a Distinction Between Traditional Astrology and Astropoetics
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